Two gazelle prices in 2013

It is the fourth time in 11 years that Mr. Sørensen’s businesses are named Gazelle. This time it was the third Gazelle award to TMS Partner A/S and the first for Erector’s ApS, TMS Partners subsidiary. In the anledning has Herning Folkeblad (Herning newspaper) written an article about Mr. Sørensen and we therefore refer to the article with this link: Two gazelles in one fold.

Excerpt from the article:

It’s hard enough for operators to meet the requirements for being appointed Gazelle company in the Stock Exchange of approval when you have to concentrate on one business.

Still, Mr. Sørensen managed to place two companies on the list. Both even among the top 20 in Region Middle jutland.

TMS Partner has achieved a growth rate 773.3 percent and finish top ten, while erectors have gone 587.6 percent up and smoking in to a 20 space.